Probiotics are live, friendly bacteria.
Why are they the best friend your gut could ever have?
Simple: because they pack a powerful punch at the bad bacteria that causes all the problems you don’t like to talk about.
The more friendly you have, the less the bad, bully bacteria, the less wind and bloating and the more helpful and kind your digestive system. (When you have a healthy gut, your food processes more efficiently and your digestion is good)… what’s not to love?
Healthy Gut, Healthy Everything
Pro-biotics provide food for our healthy gut bacteria. The healthy bacteria fight off unhealthy bacteria… seems obvious really. As a result, probiotics create a supportive environment for a healthy immune system, optimal intestinal function and improve many other bodily systems too, such as efficient elimination and less gas. (Phew, not Pooh!).
Fat – Not!

Ooh here’s the bit you’re going to love… Probiotics also prevent fat calories from being absorbed through the intestines. Which is why they are recommended in all the celebrity diets. They destroy bile salts, which are produced by the liver to help the intestines digest fat. By destroying bile salts, fat absorption is blocked and fat is excreted through your waste removal system.
Picking Your Probiotic
I use one which contains 100 billion strains. Consuming a good quality probiotic first thing in the morning is a great way to ensure your optimum gut health.
I get many of my vitamins here they have shops around London too and their staff are usually very helpful and knowledgeable.
Juicy Lucy’s Tip:
Probiotics pack a powerful digestive punch, so be sure to incorporate them into your diet slowly and safely. As always, if you’re unsure, speak to a health professional before you make any big changes.
Foods Containing Probiotics or Live Cultures
Kefir or Greek / Live Yogurt

These are more popular and well known, (especially if you have had a bout of thrush). Kefir, which is becoming more popular currently, is probably a nicer way to get them in – although not if you’re allergic to dairy… but there are dairy
Juicy Lucy’s Tip:
Check that your yoghurt is organic and that it contains only two ingredients: milk/coconut milk and live yoghurt cultures.

This Fermented cabbage, contains one of the highest ratios of Probiotics in it, due to the fermentation process. It contains healthy live cultures along with vitamins B, A, E and C and was originally created to treat stomach-related illnesses and to preserve food.
Juicy Lucy’s Tip:
Stay away from the canned variety, as canned Sauerkraut is usually pasteurised, and therefore will not provide the same benefits. I like the Raw and Vibrant Living, original (pictured here).
Kimchi is Sauerkraut’s Korean sister. It is both Probiotic and packed with nutrients. Together with the Probiotic bacterial benefits, traditional Asian Kimchi also sometimes contains other healthy spices such as ginger and vegetables, including spring onions or scallions, which add to its health benefits in a big way.
Juicy Lucy’s Tip:
Buy a pure variety, made with whole ingredients and no additives.
Kombucha is a fermented Chinese tea that has been drunk for centuries across this East Asian country. Traditionally, it’s believed to aid in weight loss, as well as to increase energy levels and overall feelings of wellbeing. The tea is brewed by fermenting sweetened black tea with yeast and bacteria.
Look for pickled Gherkins fermented in vinegar, rather than those in brine, as fermented varieties contain the most beneficial bacteria. Also look for pickles without artificial
Miso, a traditional Japanese seasoning made by fermenting soybeans with salt and Kojikin; a fungus, is a tangy, salty paste which can be added to soups or stews, but is used mainly in the traditional Japanese Miso Soup.
Miso, a traditional Japanese seasoning made by fermenting soybeans with salt and Kojikin; a fungus, is a tangy, salty paste which can be added to soups or stews, but is used mainly in the traditional Japanese Miso Soup.
Juicy Lucy’s Tip:
I recommend you buy a high-quality Miso, which contains no additives.
What Vicky Says:
Swap your pro-biotic brand every three to six months to ensure you are getting a wide range of bacterium; especially after a course of antibiotics.
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